Just a few more veterinarians in it for the money - Dr. Marty Becker


Just a few more veterinarians in it for the money

Tuesday, Apr 15th, 2014 | By Dr. Marty Becker

Colorado State University Helps at Project Homeless ConnectI hear it all the time on my Facebook page: Veterinarians are only in it for the money, and don’t really care about animals.

I’m not going to get into a verbal wrestling match over this, but I will say that it strains credibility. Every single day I meet or hear from veterinarians who are doing free spay-neuter, volunteering for shelters or rescue groups, doing wildlife rehab, and helping animals and people in a thousand ways.

Take, for example, these Colorado State University veterinarians and veterinary students who took the time to join in their community’s Homeless Connect Project, to provide free veterinary care to the pets of the homeless:

“As future veterinary professionals, it is important for our students to learn about different populations in need and how to help them,” said Dr. Rebecca Ruch-Gallie, clinical coordinator of the Community Practice service at the vet hospital and team leader at the event. “It gets our students involved in the community and allows them to practice physical exams and animal handling in a less controlled environment.”

CSU veterinary students provided physical exams and vaccinations for the pets of homeless people during Project Homeless Connect.

Project Homeless Connect helped a total of 470 people this year, the largest number in the event’s five years. The CSU veterinary team provided free physical exams and vaccinations to more than 40 dogs and cats.

Nearly three dozen veterinary students and clinicians pitched in, and many found reward in helping not only animals but their homeless owners.

“I’m glad I could participate in this experience,” said Hailey Harroun, a fourth-year veterinary student. “After graduation, I’m moving to an Army base in Washington D.C., and part of my job will be to take care of shelter animals, so this gives me a taste of what my future holds.”

Read more about these caring, inspirational veterinary professionals present and future here.